How's Thursday treating me so far? 1st of all, syukurr to Allah..for me,to be able to wake up with hubby by my side each n everyday is a good start:) Struggle nk turun dari katil..kalau boleh nk stay je...sbb dah tau bile bangun kne wat ape and semestinye kene masuk dapur haha..ikut perasaan malas jgklaa tp nnti sumenye tak done:p So kene pikir positive and kne syukur sbb org lain bgun je tdo kena bersiap gi keje but saye duk umah je. Lagi satu i will think dis as a boredom relieflaa..and tak lupe jgk tanggungjawab yg simple,me as a wife to my beloved husb..husb lg byk benda n bebanan yg dier kena uruskan:)
Pagi je..our simple breakfast semestinye sebijik pisang and segelas chocomint milk..lepas tuh baru lah start prepare nk masak..bknnye boleh trus masak je..kene prepare d ingredients, potong ini blend itu..baruulah bleh start masak..klu tak masak lapar plk kan..lainlah klu kat Msia..if lazy to cook...trus bersiap gi makan kt luar..xpun drive thru,tapau je(slalu je) haha.
So for almost 3months+ kt sini..nmpknye ade perubahanlaa walaupun tak byk..ade benda baru yg xpernah try wat kt Msia dlu dapat wat kt sini. So..wat i've learned so far?haha. Kalau ikutkan kat sini da improve bab masak ni..tak macam dlu..konpius je memanjang cmne nk masak. Skrg ni teringin nk makan ape..bkk internet,cari resepi,beli bahan lpstu try and mostly jadi..
Lepastu, da pandai baking jgklaa ckit2 tp leceh gak sbb ingredients tuh part nk sukat tuh kne precise..salah ckit trus xjadi..teringat mase 1st time wat muffin rase pahit! silapnye it shud be 2tsp of baking powder tp gi letak 2tbsp..manenye tak pahit:p
As my life goes on, i believe dat we shud sentiase bersyukur, kena stop complaining (kdg2 asek nk mengeluh je..huhu) and need to learn more new things,perhaps? I wanna keep learning so i can use it to live my best life:)
"Live ur life to the fullest!"
Till then!
Hi Sharliza, thanks for leaving me your blog. You've got a very sweet writing style. Yes we should always be bersyukur for what we have ^_^ and i love your lil post on how to make stuff. Your muffin ke / cupcakes look so puffy. Take care my dear ^_^
ReplyDeleteHi there! sweet of u!*blushing*
thnx for stopping by! u too tc;))