Tuesday 5 June 2012

My 28th Birthday!


Semalam, 4th of June 2012 was my birthday!heee. First time celebrate bday kat sini..sehari bafore birthday tu agak hiba laa sbb jauh dr family and frens tp Alhamdulillah bile tiba harinye mmg happy terus! Kebetulan hari tu jgk adelah cuti for Queen's Birthday kt NZ..so secare tak langsung terus jd queen of the day:p
Malam tu mmg sejuk so mmg kami tido je kat sofa (mood sedeyh terkenangkan jauh di perantauan) tp bile terbangun pagi tu tgk husband tgh prepare breakfast for birthday girl! ingatkan husb lupe..terus happy! ILY husband!hehe.

My birthday breakfast by hubby

Queensgate Mall

Then after breakfast bersiap and kwn2 dtg jmput kiteorg nak gi makan2 kt luar and kebetulan jgk tmpat yg dituju ialah Queensgate Mall! mmg terase cm queen btul lah!hehe. Kat sane kami makan nasi briyani and jap2 masuk kuar kedai sbb ade queen's birthday sale..shoppinglaa.. ape lagi la kn!hehe. Sebelum balik kami singgah Chicken on Fire fastfood restaurant ala2 KFC tp yg ni jelah yg halal..klu nk KFC btul2 xdapeklaa..blk Msia baru dapat makan..tapau set ayam goreng dan ayam grill..yummy!


us with food!

Sampai umah berehat and then ape lagi makan makanan yg ditapaulaa..mmg kenyang giler..and puas! Lepastu malam tu utk penutupnye dapat makan ice-cream ala2 ganti kek..haha. Husband mane geti nak wat cake kan..nk beli kek kt luar takut xboleh makan plk..maklumlaa kek omputih ni ade buh brandylah,gelatin la..So, ice-cream pun not bad! boleh pulak ade candle tp lighter ke mancis takdak..haha..so bile pose tgkp gmbo tu wat2 tiuplaa kn..hhehe..

Thank you husband

Apepon..rase happy dan syukur kt Illahi sbb berpeluang utk sambut dgn suami terchinta..sgt2 syukur dikurniakan husband yg sungguh sporting and sweet!hehe. Petang tu smpt my kaklong call wish and malam tu abah mak ajak skype and wish lagi..hehe..HAPPY HAPPY me!